Monday, March 30, 2009

Falling again....

I made real good friends with a nurse in chemo and learned today that having friends in high places works.  This morning while in chemo I found out that she could get "the count" a day early. I wished I had this info a little before now, but oh well!  So....I called her direct extension and got the number early.  I am back to falling again...Praise God.  The count is 10 which means I still have cancer producing cells but I am getting real close to not having any reproducing cells.  Just think...11 weeks ago "the count" was at 93,000.  I am real excited and feel like I am close to an end.  We are hoping that I will only have 3 more weeks of chemo.  I AM SO EXCITED.  We meet with my oncologist on Monday and are hoping to get a better direction from that meeting.  Please continue to pray.  Pray specifically that this chemo will kill these last few cells.  We are praying to have heard the word remission by Easter!  

1 comment:

Anna said...

whoo hoo!!! wonderful news! that's HALF of last week! half that even a few more times and it's outta here! but we're praying for a big fat "0"!!!