Sunday, September 20, 2009

the "GO RUN"...

Saturday we had the opportunity to go out and participate in a 5K that raises money for my specific cancer. It was a really neat experience to think that the money they raised goes to the research for cancer's that are not hardly ever heard of or rarely mentioned. My oncologist is in the middle of me and Michael and does lots of research. He is a neat man that has been incredibly encouraging to us. I am very thankful for all he has done for us and for all the cancers he researches.

This weekend really is the first physical thing that I have done since January when I started chemo. It was a great feeling and I was excited to be "on the move" again. I am playing tennis in a league again starting in October, so I hope to begin to get some stamina back. I never really knew how much chemo stripped me of everything.

On the hair front.....I think I might have a little growth beginning. It is slow and I am not 100% sure that it is not just wishful thinking but I am now hoping to be able to be hat free by Thanksgiving. My niece did tell me tonight that I could keep my hat off cause she could tell my hair was growing back. Usually she brings me my hat as soon as she sees me to cover my head. My first dream was hat free by Labor day then it went to Halloween and now I have pushed that back to Thanksgiving. I am still wondering what color, texture, and whether it will be curly. Hopefully just a few more months and we will know.


Anna said...

wow! i'm so glad you could participate and are doing so well! we love and miss you!

Aubrey said...

Hey Macy, I loved getting to chat with you at the Staff Conference and hearing part of your story. I'm praying you'll hear good news next week. Take care and know I'm praying for you!

Aubrey Ruland

Unknown said...

Praying for you right now. May you experience the joy of the Lord today. And by the way, if Jim Campbell can go without a hat, so can you!

Andy Davenport