Thursday, November 4, 2010

Homestudy Approved!

Whooo Hooo! We are done with the homestudy process. It was actually not as big of a deal as we were prepared for. Mostly just a hurry-up and wait process but at least that is behind us now.
So, where are we in the process now? We are waiting to start receiving what they call "situations" and then will be presented to birthmoms and potentially match. Michael and I are praying hard for these opportunities. We are not sure a time frame on this but hopefully sooner that later.
We are incredibly excited to be parents and so now we are just waiting on an email or phone call.
Thanks for sharing this journey with us!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Big News...

We are excited to tell our friends that we have begun the adoption process. We are so excited and a little overwhelmed. We have been asked a ton of questions and really we do not know a whole lot. We have researched a ton and can share that with you, but as far as concrete details...we just do not know.

Where are we in the process: Well we have begun. We have had our first home study visit, have been fingerprinted, and have filled out all the paperwork. We have scheduled our second home study visit and our first conference call is tonight. So we are moving along and waiting all at the same time. We have been told that our fingerprints can take anywhere from 4-16 weeks to get back....anyone who has FBI/ABI pull let me know. We would love to get those back sooner.

Once we finish all of the home study process we will be cleared to move forward in the matching process. This process can take anywhere from months to years. we are praying and hoping that it will not be a long process and we will be parents soon.

We will keep you posted as the process moves forward.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Summer was here and is going...

I feel like summer is about over and I have not blogged in forever. So, I thought I would give a quick update. I am doing great. We are doing great. And summer has been a lot of fun.

Michael and I had the privilege of taking 36 kids to camp and that was an amazing trip. I was home 24 hours and left to take another 34 kids to our middle school camp. I was not sure I would make it through the two weeks but I did and they were both really fun and neat weeks.

Other than that we have just been on the go. I am not even sure what all we have been doing that takes up all our weekends but we have not been home at all. But, that makes life fun and so I will take it.

Hope your summer is going well.

Friday, January 22, 2010

What a Year!

Tomorrow will be a year that I was diagnosed with cancer. I cant believe that it has been a year. Some times it feels like it was yesterday and at other times it seems like it was a really LONG year. We have worried, cried, laughed, and celebrated this year through the roller coaster that we have been on. I am officially in REMISSION and I am really glad to be able to tell people I am a cancer survivor. It has been one of the hardest things I have ever been through but glad to BE THROUGH! We are praying that 2010 is a better year in our house!