Thursday, April 7, 2011

realizing I must live in the country...

oh what a day today has been......

After a jam packed day, I came home to do some "mental therapy" by playing in the yard with my flowers.  I love to spend time out in the yard watering and planting flowers.  Well tonight I was just watering the front flowers and after finishing I went to turn off the water and thought I must have stepped on the hose to make it move but as I looked closer my foot was about an inch (absolutely no more) away from a 4 foot snake.  The hose was not moving but instead it was a snake!!  I promise you I yelled so loud that neighbors came out to see what was wrong.  I do NOT do snakes.  I don't like looking at them or being anywhere near them.  (If you know my dad you will know why... he loves to pull pranks with snakes)  I went running inside to get Michael who heard me scream but thought I was playing and he came out to kill the snake.  He thought I was exaggerating when I said BIG but once he saw it, he knew why I was screaming....
only part of the snake...

this snake doesn't belong near my house

On to a little later and while walking out to our back shed... what now...we have a BAT.  What in the world!  I am only a little freaked out by these latest two developments.  I am not a fan of either of these two.  I shouted at the bat to leave me and my house and my yard!  I hope he listens. 

Then a few MINUTES later, we found not one but two ticks on our precious dog that is well taken care of, bathed often, and mostly lives inside.  WHAT IS THE DEAL... I don't do these things and I don't live in the woods.  I live in a neighborhood....
After a quick consult with a vet friend, we removed the tick and all was ok!  I think I was traumatized more that Drake but we gave him 10 treats anyway.  
My "mental therapy" became more of a "mental flood" but at least I got a good scream out!
our precious dog!

the sweetest puppy around!

1 comment:

Allison said...

Okay, the snake thing freaked me out too! I was hoping you were going to say that you lived in the woods or something, but in a neighborhood! Yikes! I think I could have handled the bat and the ticks, but the snake. OMG! Did you run??? I saw a snake one time in Jasmine Hill Gardens and it went one way and I went about 80 feet the other way in about 3 seconds! :)
I like your blog and Congrats on the beautiful baby!